U.S. Key Service is Arizonas top auto locksmith, serving the entire Phoenix area daily. Our emergency car locksmiths have extensive training to be able to replace or repair any type of key, including high-tech transponder and fob keys.
It wasn’t that long ago, relatively, that you could easily get a copy of your car key made by just going to a locksmith in Mesa and getting a new one cut. You could go to any locksmith to get the job done, including big home improvement stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot that just pop your key in a machine and make a copy.
Unfortunately, as easy as it was for you to get a copy, it was also easy for thieves. Anyone could get a copy of your key made and then steal away with your car without you ever knowing. Some people could do it without even having a copy of your key in hand. They could get the key made based on the year and model of your car.
These days, vehicles have much more advanced technology to protect them, including in the type of keys they use. Transponder keys are common, and these keys can only be reproduced by highly trained car locksmiths who have the right equipment, or by a dealership.
A transponder key is the type of key you get that has a metal arm with the traditional grooves for turning the engine, but it also has a bulky head. This bulky head is not just designed to be more ergonomically friendly for your fingers when you are starting the engine. It actually has a small chip inside.
The chip inside the transponder key is programmed with a specific code. When you put the key in the car’s engine, the car’s computer scans the key for that code. If the key has no code, or it doesn’t have a matching code, the vehicle won’t start. It’s a nice security feature that ensures that only authorized people can start the car.
The technology in transponder keys is what makes them so secure. Not just any person can reproduce a transponder key. You need an auto locksmith who has the right computer equipment, as well as the authorization to request the codes for the key and to program them. In some cases, the code on the ignition also has to be changed. You need a person with the right tools and skills to be able to do that.
Auto locksmiths in Arizona have to go through extensive training and to become approved by automakers to be able to recreate transponder keys or to reprogram them. If you are locked out of your vehicle, or you lose your keys, you won’t be able to call just anyone to get your keys replaced or to get your vehicle opened. You’ll need to call a mobile auto locksmith with the right credentials to get back inside your car and on the road.
You can rest easy knowing that your car is much safer from would-be thieves if you have a vehicle that uses a transponder key or another high-tech key, such as an all-in-one fob. These keys use sophisticated technology that only thieves with advanced equipment and hacking skills could reproduce – and those kind of thieves aren’t going to bother with just any vehicle. Unless you’re driving a $100,000 car, you’re safe. However, that also means that it’s going to be harder for you to get back into your own vehicle if you get locked out or lose your keys. Keep the number of a trusted mobile auto locksmith in your phone so that you can get help fast if you ever find yourself in that situation.
U.S. Key Service is Arizona’s top auto locksmith, serving the entire Phoenix area daily. Our emergency car locksmiths have extensive training to be able to replace or repair any type of key, including high-tech transponder and fob keys. They have the right equipment and expertise to replace or repair these keys quickly. We also offer car door lock repair, can repair worn out car ignitions, replace worn out car locks, and much more. We can get you on your way quickly if you are locked out of your car or are unable to start it because of a key problem. We offer friendly service and reliable results. Contact us in Mesa today to get help from a mobile auto locksmith.
US Key Service
4065 E University Dr #500
Mesa, AZ 85205
Phone: 480-983-6149
Email: uskeyservice@gmail.com
Web: uskeyservice.com